
Activities & Services

To achieve its objectives, Teaching & Learning Center provides a variety of activities, services and grants. These include training, support, and professional development programs for faculty members


  • Academic proficiency development program (General Faculty development program, Junior faculty development program and Graduate assistant development program)
  • Academic leadership program
  • Infussing skills
  • DAD fellow program


TLC activities include:

  • Workshops, Discussion Forums and Seminars.
  • Microteaching: TLC organizes and facilitates microteaching workshops in which six to eight participants present brief lessons in their field, and then receive feedback from their peers.
  • Department-Based Workshops: TLC encourages and support departmental-based workshops on topics related to teaching and learning.


The services offered by TLC include:

  • Peer Consultation in Teaching: The main objective of Peer Consultation in Teaching (PCT) is to provide faculty members with formative or summative feedback on their teaching. It offers discussions with peer (senior) consultants who have been working with a number of faculty members and observed a good number of classes.
  • Resource Room: DAD administers a room, which has a collection of publications on the subject of faculty development and the enhancement of teaching and learning.
  • Teaching guides
  • Establishing Learning communities
  • Class Videotaping and Consulting


TLC offers a number of academic development grants. Areas of the grants include:

  • Enhancement of learning environment.
  • Technology-enhanced Learning.
  • Faculty Development.