Active Learning Classroom (ALC)

Active learning classrooms (ALCs) are student-centered, technology-rich classrooms. They are easily identified with their flexible seating arrangements, designed to facilitate and promote active learning. Such classrooms have been found to facilitate effective teaching that contributes significantly to students’ learning and promote good outcomes.
The ALCs are equipped with either node chairs or round tables with moveable chairs. 4 overhead projectors, and walls painted with idea paint, a dry erase paint, for students and instructor writings.
Active Learning Classrooms are available in buildings 4, 6, 7, 24, 59 and 63 for use.
Two of the classrooms (Building 63 RMs 015 and 023) are also equipped with lecture capture device.
Want to teach in ALC?
Please Contact:
Teaching & Learning Center
Building 68, RM 335
Phone: +966 13 860 1558