Midterm Student Feedback

Obtaining student feedback using a structured approach mid semester can be valuable for an instructor as a moment of reflection about the experience of students in the course. An instructor can use a variety of methods and tools to get students feedback. Deanship of Academic Development offers an online student survey system, which an instructor may opt to use to get student feedback. An institutionally administered survey system with anonymous student feedback allows instructors to let the students provide feedback without any hesitation knowing that their identity will be kept confidential in reporting their survey response to the instructor.
Features of the Online System
- Customizable student survey forms with flexibility on the number and type of questions
- One online student survey form for each course section of the semester
- Automated access control for the students who are currently enrolled in the course section
- Reporting of the survey results while keeping student identity confidential
- Survey results reports accessible only to the course instructor
- Three types of questions:
- Predefined Likert Scale Questions. Instructors may choose to include one or more of the predefined Likert scale questions in the survey
- Customizable Likert Scale Questions: Instructors may write their own statement in these customizable questions
- Open Ended Questions: These questions have text fields, which allow students to write descriptive feedback
- Two options for opening the online survey form for the students
- Instructor may open and close the form manually for a brief period. This option is suitable to invite students to submit the survey during the class time.
- Define a specific time for opening and specific time for closing of survey where the period of survey may span several days. Students receive system generated notifications to submit the survey
Period of Availability
The online system is made available to the University faculty members from week 4 to week 10 of the Fall and Spring semester. Faculty members receive emails about the availability of the online system and guidance about how to use the system. The online system used for the purpose currently allows only one feedback gathering cycle per instructor per section in the semester. A workaround for this limitation is an instructor, after completing a survey cycle and collecting the survey results reports, may contact the system administrator who can reset the survey form of the course section of the instructor to carry out another survey cycle.